Kaiser Musix и Kaiser Klassix и Ральф Кристоф Кайзер


29 апреля 2019

New Sheet Music "Glühweintrinken beim Schlittschuhlaufen" Rondo con fuoco espressivo in D minor by Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Glühweintrinken beim Schlittschuhlaufen Rondo con fuoco espressivo in D minor by Ralf Christoph Kaiser. This symphony sounds great and dramatic. It contains nice melodys in the woodwinds and brass section.
This piece of music shows some childhood memorys of mine.
The PDF downloadfile contains full score and parts for strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion.
You need about min. 14 people to play this part with all of what it got.
You can play it with 3 Pianos and one drummer as well.
Big bands or brass bands would like this piece of music as well.
If you play it with symphony orchestra with about 40 people it would become great big music and gives special sound to the audience.
Thank you for your support!
Sincerely yours
Ralf Christoph Kaiser



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